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10/07/17 12:33 PM

#77232 RE: rickn23 #77231

I was surprised to see Neal Adams on a title, but being that Neal has been around forever I'm sure there is some connection there.

That's why it is an impossible hole to crawl out of at this point. If money was lost early on but they were able to bring creators and talent in, they could have given them stock in the company and taken small percentage of rights of creator owned properties. The added benefit for creators would be the increased exposure from being with a public company and GSL and Powfolio and other things. He could have had a unique and attractive pitch to some creators. Then when they did go to conic con and everything else people would have cared.

This would have exposed them to local comic shops, comic book news sites and the industry at large. Then when GSL was pitched to comic shops and toys r us it would have meant something.

Then even if a creator owned property was optioned the company would benefit from their small ownership percentage and would have gotten mainstream exposed with having the REDG name attached.

It's a shame as they had a chance, though I guess the only chance they would have had is if Benny wasn't in charge. Imagine what might have been different if Crosby was calling the shots instead