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10/06/17 3:01 PM

#37632 RE: Ringrock #37630

Reg A had been around since April. Everyone knew there is 1Billion+ shares coming. Somehow retail are smarter than a $10million investors. They are the dummy that buy at 1,000% PPS. PPS for SNMN was at 0008 in July. Why retail with $10,000 buying power buy at 0008 but a DUMB $10Million feel they should buy it at 1,000% higher? Somehow retail is perfectly ok with that. Switch the table around and retail calling it bloody murder.



10/06/17 3:34 PM

#37641 RE: Ringrock #37630

Ok thanks.
Agreed that previous release indicated 'Non-Dilutive'.
Oh well, if the funds are wisely spent in revenue generating entities with truly positive cash flow, then all will be OK. But that is a lot to ask at times, especially these days.
Thanks again for the feedback....


10/06/17 9:32 PM

#37708 RE: Ringrock #37630

Do they have any buyers of the equity offered?
I would think it would only raise the first million. Wouldn't anymore require a penny a share or more? Am I missing something?