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10/06/17 12:05 PM

#105643 RE: STROKER #105642

Seriously, my graphic gives me uploads very soon, it's the only thing I can tell you. It's on a weekly basis so we can be talking by the end of this month. Other companies in this sector have already increased 100% last week. Now we are seeing purchases in blocks, most of the daily volumes are in 4 or 5 trades, buying or selling. I did not get any purchases below 0.006, nor sell either, I said that I would of this stock, but it is that I was not able to sell, big blocks between agencies are exchanged. Regards. I hope that frame helps once for its shareholders, I doubt it very much, this will rise by pure speculation, as always ...


10/10/17 7:28 AM

#105644 RE: STROKER #105642

Nobody posting here friend