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10/06/17 10:22 AM

#90466 RE: JohnCM #90462

You're probably a bit correct on both counts. Whatever his motive was way back when he first started, I don't know. What I do know was that he soon found it more profitable to mine the shareholders (around 2006) than to try and run a legit biz. All one has to do is look at the ridiculous claims in his prs back then...none of which came close to fruition.

He did have ore though, and when the prices hit the roof he realized (at least to a degree) that it made some sense to attempt to do some actual mining.

The scammer that I believe he is, is what took him down in the end. His business contacts were just like him, only better at playing off people...and who better to play off than a fellow con artist? Bobby simply reaped what he sowed imo.


11/07/17 9:29 PM

#90471 RE: JohnCM #90462

past posts reported the hundreds of thousands of tons ore sold -confirmed by 100's of pics etc as per cwrns's complaint against geo,geo-the money men in the ill fated jv-took or withheld the money necessary to keep the ships rolling.
Politics also sidelined the ceo who due to circumstances felt forced to sell the majority shares- but apparently only received a down payment for such-
and then somebody -another money man-apparently stole the almost 7 million dollar ilia revenue,and apparently the new ceo didnt have the money to continue operations without the ilia revenue,resulting in a rash of lawsuits, some of which longs have followed via dd.