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10/05/17 6:33 PM

#366975 RE: Sleepy2016 #366964

Foley is screwed, no doubt.

That said, anyone still holding whatever is left of their investment in this junk deserves to see that investment dwindle to nothing.

"We sent them to OTC last week, but there are some changes within OTC and our
new management has to file a new application with OTC which we are in the
process of completing."

The fact that anyone blindly accepts this total nonsense is beyond comprehension. The OTC has made no changes to its reporting requirements. Dark filing pinks need do nothing more than upload -
themselves - the required made-up financials each quarter and annually within generous timelines. Those fake financials are controlled and uploaded by the dark filer themselves - OTC has nothing to do with it. The OTC doesn't review them, nor decide whether or not they are suitable for publication. And there is literally nothing more to the dark filer requirements beyond quarterly and annual cut and paste buillshit on a PDF they provide - not one single thing. Any material changes to the business can be reported, but those are merely suggestions from the OTC site - not requirements.