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10/05/17 10:36 AM

#6678 RE: blackshirej #6677

Scan settings and timeframe

Ahoy hoy, you have run into the same problem we have all been having: Timeframes for the Scan. I'm not entirely sure if it using only Daily values or hourly or what. I do know that Stockcharts current policy is that they only offer Daily.

However, i'm still playing with the 'Last Intraday Update' feature (dropdown menu at the top) where it offers times that are quite up to the minute. Not sure how this applies to the searches, but I assume it does what it says and appllies all of your filters up to the time you run the scan.

** Please contact them, there is a handy form on the site under 'Contact' and ask them to offer Intraday / shorter timeframe Scan capability. They got back to me and Sam with basically 'We will take it under advisement that our clients are interested in such a feature and we have to be careful introducing anything new' (it has to be tested and work etc etc). So the more of us who ask for this, maybe it will convince them to add it on.

For your CCI(20) filter, or any of these parameters, the value only had to fill the requirement for just a second (or maybe a minute) at any point during the search window. So it may be hard to find on the chart unless you zoom right in, etc. But CCI(20) should have gone below zero on the returned stocks at some point.

Good luck, sir!
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10/05/17 10:59 AM

#6679 RE: blackshirej #6677

Scan Discovery - Last Intraday works

Okay I've tested results with 2 scans and results are entirely different depending on whether you choose 'Last Close' or 'Last Intraday Update'

- Scan 1 - Intraday had 28, Close had 24: Only 1 was on both lists!

- Scan 2 - Intraday had 7, Close had 15: NO common tickers between lists

- Scan 3 - Intraday had zero hits, Close had 5, obviously none common :)

*** In a way, the dropdown menu with 'Last Intraday Update' is kind of what we are looking for, in that it applies filters to pretty much the minute you apply the scan.
BUT We have to PRESS the button, and deal with filtering, analying the results. I'll look into this more, but I don't have to tell ya that comparing lists like this every :10 minutes is onerous and confusing, not to mention watching charts on some/all of them! hah

You could say... it's precisely what computers are great at! Which is why we should all ask Stockcharts to please offer Intraday / shorter time frame search capabilities. The Scan Engine could chug through all of this and return the kind of situations we are looking for :)

We need search strings like 'Hour' or '10 Minute' and so forth, not just 'Daily Close' etc.

Okay sorry to bend your ears, Mateys


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10/05/17 12:44 PM

#6685 RE: blackshirej #6677

Hi maybe you can try to set cc20 if you have time..

(( [CCI(20) < 0] your))

like [CCI(20) < -90] or [CCI(20) < +90]

and let us know result hourly or daily...

cc20 run between up=+100 down= -100

over ... +100=O/B
under .. -100=O/S

good luck

thank you.