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09/30/17 4:07 PM

#62110 RE: Spider Web #62109

Nice try but your posts are the same thing over and over again. Nobody listens. See ya at years end SMH


09/30/17 4:15 PM

#62117 RE: Spider Web #62109

Yes, but do you have any facts? Everything here is just opinion, supposition, and repetition, and none of those are a substitute for facts. In fact, nothing here disproves Darth Trader Stock's excellent DD post.


09/30/17 4:18 PM

#62120 RE: Spider Web #62109

Want to learn how to write a post with facts? Read Darth Trader's "Progressive Care (RXMD) America's MOST Undervalued Stock". It is a perfect example to think logically and to speak logically. Man, SMH.....

Jimmy Quick

09/30/17 5:22 PM

#62123 RE: Spider Web #62109

Didn't read past the header. Your Spidey sense is off, as RXMD is set to sail here. Everything is in allignment for a good end to the year.


09/30/17 6:32 PM

#62129 RE: Spider Web #62109

Lol. Why don’t you just move on from here then?? You would be very welcome elsewhere lol

Spider Web

10/02/17 11:00 AM

#62212 RE: Spider Web #62109


Updated With Extra Information
Must Read Every Single Word !



The Company Is In Danger Of Falling Below One Cent. The Coming September Numbers Will Fall Way Below Expectations, And Soon Drive The SP Down. The Rest Of The Year Will Also Continue To Confirm What Is Already Known -----> C O N T R A C T I O N

The Company Has To Find A Way To Create A Large Enough Buffer Between The SP And The One Cent Mark To Withstand The Collapse In PPS Once It Is Revealed How Bad The September Numbers Are, And Before Leading Into Another Uneventful Quarter.

And This Is Even Suppose To Be: "The Busy Season" ! ... However, The Numbers Have Been Flat And Showing Contraction All Year Long. The Company Has Missed Every Projected Growth Target Every Single Month, All Year Long. The Rate Of Growth Compared To The Original Growth Spurt From Over A Year Ago Has Severely Topped-Out, And Has Since Moved On Into Contraction.

Ever Since July Of 2016, The SP Has Been Collapsing. Hundreds Of Millions Of Shrs Have Been Sold Out, As Shareholders Have Abandoned The Company After The Run Was Used Up. Since Then, Continued Signs Of Topping-Out And Contraction Has Driven Smart Investors Away.
While The Only Thing Remaining Was Just A Bad Case Of Denial.

The Company Just Cannot Protect The SP By Themselves. Therefore, Desperate Measures Had To Be Taken Through The Recruitment Of Some "Outside" IR Help. Unfortunately, It Was The Only Option Left. The Poor Numbers Themselves Could Not Produce The Desired Results. And The Last Chance To Maintain The Needed SP Above One Cent Is Almost Gone.

They Must Substitute The Reality Of Terrible Numbers With The Illusion Of "Unobtainable" Story-Lines. It's All That Is Left. It's The Last Resort. If Briefly Successful, It Will Then Quickly Become An Abandoned Ship All Over Again: Very Risky ---> And Very Dangerous.

But Again, It Is The Only Last Resort That Is Left ! ... Everything Else Has Failed ! ... No Facts Are Left In The Empty Cookie Jar ! ... Just The Emotional Rescue Of Inflated Story-Lines Of "Things" Supposedly Yet To Come. As The Company Gets Closer And Closer To A Collapse In SP, And The Eventual Necessity Of A Reverse-Split.

No Fundamental Advancement Has Been Made By This Company In Well Over A Year. The Ratio Of Net Income Losses And Growth, While Comparing To The Shrinking Revenues, Have Already Severely Topped-Out. Which Has Since Led To The Heavy Exodus Of Shareholders... Coupling With The Current And Overall Contraction.
Desperate And Questionable Measures Is The Only Strategy That Is Left In Trying To Trick The SP Into Staying Above That One Cent Mark.

Absolutely Silly To Think For One Second
That Progresive Care Is: "America's MOST
Undervalued Stock" ---> Simply Not True.

This Is Not The Time To Buy This Stock.
A Co That Doesn't Listen, Will Not Learn !
CEO Always Excited: That's The Problem !
CEO Always Surprised: Another Problem !
The Co Is Pandering: Too Little, Too Late !
Company DD Does Not Make It Good DD !
Current True Value Is Well Under One Cent.
The Market Already Experienced This Stock,
And It Has Been Used And Abused Before.
UpTrends Don't Just Happen "Because" - LOL
Insiders Always Own Big Chunks In The OTC,
And Make Money Selling Their Own Shrs !
Market Already Caught On & Threw It Back.
No Way This Will Ever Be A National Brand.
This Is Just Not A Rare Find. Really... It Isn't.
It's Nowhere Near Being A Leading Health Org.
It Doesn't Matter What Revenues Are, Because
The Income Ratio Is Negatively Out Of Whack !
Warren Buffett Has No Idea They Exists - LOL
Soon The SP Will Be Well Under One Cent,
And Getting Caught Losing Half Value Is Bad.
Revs And Script Units Are Now In Contraction.
The Net Loss Ratio Is Terrible - And No Cash !
Use To Have Over $800K - Now Under $500K !
The Margins & Costs On Scripts Are Lagging.
There's Reasons Why The SP Is Floundering.
Should Be Selling 25K+ Scripts Per Month...
And Revs Should Be Around $3M Per Month,
But They've Fallen Behind Since July 2016 !
Likely No UpGrade To OTC-QB This Year.
Do Not Have Licenses In 50 States, None Of
Them Are Used Because They Instead Use
Them As Fake Story To String Public Along.
Any Version Of Expansion = Lossing Money,
Only To Set-Up A KIOSK Somewhere Near.
Nobody Interested In Buying Them Out - Ever.
Smart Medical Alliance Has Problems Per PR !

A Very Weak IR P-n-D Effort
1st Word Starts With ---> "P"
2nd Word Starts With ---> "D"

The SP Is Well On It's Way To
A Triple Bottom Near $0.005 !!!
. . . So What's Left To Stop It ?

If Everything Is So Great (Which It Isn't) ,
Then Why Not Buy Twice Or Spend Half
At A Real Triple Bottom Price Of $0.005 ?
If Everything Is As Good As Some Think ,
Then Shouldn't It Rebound From There ?

Just Go Back And Read All Of My Posts
To Get A Good Perspective On Everything.
Don't Be Fooled By Things That Don't Exist.
What Good Is The Need For Any Exposure ,
When There Is Nothing Left To Expose ?

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