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09/29/17 9:30 PM

#78481 RE: BigBaboon #78478

LMAO, skiddie and lola are definitely going to meet Bubba and Bubbabette in the slam. Agencies will take them down and soon.

Then, everyone can rejoice


09/29/17 9:34 PM

#78482 RE: BigBaboon #78478

Soon the street walker will be famous on the internet where all her crimes will be exposed. All of Vancouver will know.


09/30/17 2:59 AM

#78487 RE: BigBaboon #78478

Fortunately for Les and Pamela... and unfortunately for a small group of disgruntled MDMN shareholders... all legal disputes were settled... no further legal action will take place... No jail... No bubba... No world of hurt...

Wrong on all counts Baboon..

From the official AURYN website regarding this topic:

"Unfortunately we have not been able to share much about this. The reason is quite simple: certain issues are still pending."

So, quite simply, legal disputes are not settled... further legal action will take place... jail... Bubba... And a world of hurt awaits Uncle Lester the share molester and his mindless minions.

We must remember that there is no immunity in the Big Bubba household. Uncle Lester's cries will not be heard in the night. The minions will not be able to comfort uncle Lester as there are no penny slots and whisky sours to ease the heartache of this lost soul. Unspeakable violations will perhaps remind Uncle Lester of the pain he has shamelessly visited on others.


09/30/17 9:30 AM

#78488 RE: BigBaboon #78478

Get the facts straight they recovered over 200-300 million shares from Chapin, Vittal, and a couple of other shareholders of common and almost all of the preferred except for 50,000.