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09/29/17 9:36 AM

#120101 RE: The Swede #120099

You can add my 10,000 shares to your other count.


09/29/17 9:37 AM

#120102 RE: The Swede #120099

Swede, thanks first how do you have direct access to Solomon, he doesn't communicate with me. Second when is the shareholders meeting. Much appreciate your update.


09/29/17 9:40 AM

#120106 RE: The Swede #120099

Swede, thank you for the update.


09/29/17 9:41 AM

#120107 RE: The Swede #120099

The stock is imploding and he wants to wait until November?
Dan won't last a week...


09/29/17 9:49 AM

#120108 RE: The Swede #120099

He mentioned something about shares being reserved under Broadridge.

They did a financing. Investor is converting.... and selling.



09/29/17 9:52 AM

#120109 RE: The Swede #120099

Thanks for the information and your hard work)


09/29/17 10:10 AM

#120111 RE: The Swede #120099

Thanks for sharing Swede.


09/29/17 10:23 AM

#120112 RE: The Swede #120099

Swede, thank you for all the effort you've made on behalf of shareholders for the past many years. Although the fruits of your labor haven't yet been seen in terms of the sinking PPS, hopefully there will be a turnaround soon. Thanks again.


09/29/17 11:02 AM

#120116 RE: The Swede #120099

Another possible reason could be that there are unregistered shares flooding the market out of china for a long time like we have seen in other chinese stocks in the past. Not saying this is the case, saying this would be another possible reason. Now suddenly he is interested in buy back of shares? I will believe it when I see it black on white and his notion that a 20 million buyback would put the stock at 20 bucks is completely out of reality IMO. Especially with all the restrictions that are there on these buybacks. The only thing that would put this stock back to 20 bucks is a quarterly dividend of 50 cents.....if even that.


09/29/17 11:18 AM

#120119 RE: The Swede #120099

I just wonder how he will get enough money for a 20 million buyback program and also to pay back a loan in reasonable time.


09/29/17 11:20 AM

#120120 RE: The Swede #120099

Well done Swede and thanks for sharing.


09/30/17 1:43 AM

#120168 RE: The Swede #120099

"- Solomon reckon that it would only take a $20 million buyback program to get the share price up to $20."

This must be a joke.
No CEO of any stockmarket company would say anything liike this!


09/30/17 2:59 AM

#120173 RE: The Swede #120099

He thought that the difference should be 2 million

TS; Thanks for the update, but this part (the one I quoted) seemed like BS to me :-( (on Solomons behalf, not yours). The reason; 2 million doesn’t do it. Sure, that is higher than the number you reported (if we disregard RHI), but there is no way that we can have 50k shares (150k-200k divided by three to be conservative) traded several days with 150k shares on the float… (even if we assume that by some miracle every long shareholder have reported their shares).

You wrote that he would have a meeting tonight (well, yesterday now). Did you get the impression that this was a meeting they had already planned (and, if so, what was the agenda?) or was this a reaction to your call?

I’m not happy about this – it seems like the risk in SIAF suddenly is much higher than it has been for many years. It can of course be just rumours, we don’t know. The irony is that it SHOULD HAVE BEEN very easy to fix a few weeks ago, i.e he still had time to remedy the situation when he came to Scandinavia, but now it may be more difficult; i.e a SMALL cash dividend might be viewed as a panic-reaction and force the PPS even lower :-( However, if they are able to combine a «significant» cash dividend with a PR about progress of TRW loan and/or pre-IPO, F-1 or whatever, AND an article in a scandinavian newspaper, then that might be enough to push the PPS up somewhat significant to a level where we don’t have to worry about the collateral shares and hence give SIAF some time to get their head over water.

Suddenly I’m not looking forward to the Q3-report… I believe profits will be better (at least/especially for TRW), but the increased number of outstanding shares will create more uncertainty and hence the PPS will go down (maybe… up shortterm, but then down again).

The worst part though, are the vultures circling in and deliberately spreading lies – desperately trying to transform SIAF into a carcass so that they can feast on it.