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09/29/17 5:51 AM

#118420 RE: HUNGRY JOE #118419

Very well said.



09/29/17 6:58 AM

#118427 RE: HUNGRY JOE #118419


Tom's grand and well thought out plans are coalescing nicely, anyone who questions or doubts the veracity of the deals that are materializing is a fool imo.In reality, we are just scratching the surface of the volume of deals that are coming our way.
You can doubt Tom to your financial detriment ,but I will vehemently make the point that lots of millionaires and a few billionaires will be made here so long as Tom keeps to his preference of NO RS and I have no reason to believe otherwise ,know what you own and exercise some patience .The folks who are selling now and thinking of themselves as smart will not beat themselves enough later----THE SHORTSIGHTEDNESS IS BEYOND COMPREHENSION


09/29/17 1:15 PM

#118681 RE: HUNGRY JOE #118419

Let it be known that a 10000% to 50000% run here is very realistic when the massive stampede starts after the street fully digests the massive scope of $BVTK'S biz including the partners and the relative ease with which recurring millions are generated directly to the bottom line with little or no overhead.The street is in absolute love with this kind of revenue stream and Tom is methodically creating multiple rev streams.imo

I fully appreciate the skepticism of many because this is new to them and they don't know what to make of a man like Tom .This vividly reminds me of a certain man who walked on water whose people did not believe in him despite all the miracles they witnessed so much so that he was summarily executed for being impostor

Now I do not want any body to misconstrue my analogy either willfully or due to the inability to comprehend simple complexity,I am not in any way implying that any equivalency exists between Tom and the above mentioned man------that will be blasphemy of the worst order,but my argument is that Tom has been a financial savior to many before and the biggest pool is about to evolve,imo
Believe it or not,this shall come to pass.The only question that remains is,are you part of the pool or not? Your answer pro or con will have no bearing on what is about to massively unfold.Doubt Tom and wallow in financial wilderness


10/01/17 6:00 AM

#119117 RE: HUNGRY JOE #118419

So close I can taste it