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09/28/17 12:08 PM

#655 RE: janicen_98 #654

"Partner with TV, Radio and other Hispanic online broadcasting companies" this the ABSOLUTTE KEY peace of dat 2012 markiting plan pdf that didnt occur, resulting in a website with no visitorz.. whar it iz 2day

The NYC bus adz, socshul media and JV deal with othrr zer0-traffik ZMRK site didn't work eithrr. sellfingrrz original plan to JV with his SBSA podnerr 2 git eyeballz to fell thru prolly cuz of "Eating Raul" alacarn ,,, so then sellfingrr famously gott with hiz blackrok nn NYC hedgie bros to do a "hostile taekovrr"(or kick alarcon off bored) of SBSA in 2014 by buying up 25% of tha sbsa stok,, failing that sellfingrr finally sold hiz 5%% SBSA steak in dec 2015,, SBSAA now off nazdak

Butt hear cumz nu Inturesting tweet 2day frum sellfingrr reiGniting that SBSA Buyout idea-

7:42 AM - 28 Sep 2017
$SBSAA Spanish Broadcasting radio stations don't mention 'owned by Raul Alarcon' means transition to new partners in works? $TV $SNE $NWSA

YesTURDay tweet showz sellifingrrz still butthurt by eating raul
If Raul Alarcon resigns $SBSAA Spanish Broadcasting hoes over $10 easily a company like $SNE Sony can take it to the next step $50

So now mite have anothrr shot to "Partner with TV, Radio and other Hispanic online broadcasting companies" at SBSA,, in ADDITSHUN
to the New PONG JV/murger that cudd hit within dayz

IF sellfingrr kan pull at leest 1 of these 2 parnurshipz off, then he kan get tha eyeballz needed to maek a "mini Meli"...
wuith $40-$60/share price targit

Ovrr at PONG potenshul New NMGC buyout Bro Granier gave away part of hiz PONG biz for $2 millionz seedmunny funding
on 9/22/16

I bet Grannyier needz moar munny at PONG now a year latrr 9/17,, butt duzint want to give up moar of hiz steak...and NMGC Murgur and 25 dolla maek me holla iz rite whar to gitt it!


Tha nu mexxxxikan site PR just a smokeskreen this weak,, the "STRATEGIC" manager hire iz tha REAL newz... cuz thingz are bout to get a whole lot mergery and JV-erly at NMGC ,, within dayz

tikka tikkaaaa

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09/28/17 1:28 PM

#656 RE: janicen_98 #654

NeoMagic has a great history of innovation, and market leadership.
• Steady, predictable sales of MiMagic® chips.---> Im not sure these even sell anymore?
• Mercadomagico venture will diversify revenue stream.-----> Has not
• We are lean and structured to be the most efficient, low cost, company.--->One employee true
• We are committed to maximize shareholder value.--->Ah stock hasnt gone anywhere since this came out accept down
• NeoMagic Team committed to bring Magic back into NMG--Havent seen any magic
• Great Platform/ Ecosystem.---> Could be but could not execute
• Ability to make complementary and strategic acquisitions such as recent---Nope nada.

Overall the 2012 presentation yielded noting even close to what they thought might happen. The owner has 46mm shares out of 90mm. Why doesnt he give up 10mm of those to someone who will come in and move this to a buck or two> It can be done--he hasnt been able to gain any traction what so ever but there is enough potential $ to get ti done