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09/27/17 3:50 PM

#393350 RE: ksuave #393347

It is a "policy", that if enforced by the owners, the players can be fired.


09/27/17 3:52 PM

#393354 RE: ksuave #393347

There is no rule that says you have to open the door for women or little old ladys either but you still do it out of respect and because its the right thing to do.


09/27/17 3:58 PM

#393362 RE: ksuave #393347

Are you high? There's a rule in the NFL Players Conduct Handbook on this very thing.
Even if it isn't a rule, and even though it is their 1st amendment right, there's a time and a place for everything.
If I used company time for political activism I'd be reprimanded by my management and possibly placed on probation, to say the least. If these millionaires want to do some good let them wake up on Monday morning and go protest in front of a govt building, or create a petition, or better yet volunteer in the poor inner city neighborhoods where they can actually make a difference.
The Anthem and the Flag are completely 100% disconnected from police brutality or any other political/social issue. Disrespecting the anthem is disrespecting all the men and women of the military that have served this country since 1775, as well as all 300+ million citizens as a whole living in this country today.
There are far more effective, constructive, and dignified ways of political activism than kneeling during the anthem. That does absolutely nothing positive, but get NFL boycotts...


09/27/17 5:37 PM

#393389 RE: ksuave #393347

Do you work? Do something against the norm or rules? See what happens