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09/27/17 3:37 PM

#393342 RE: ksuave #393334

policeman were killing civilians summarily on the streets and not being held accountable

Pretty strong statement but is it fact or opinion?


09/27/17 3:45 PM

#393345 RE: ksuave #393334

O give me a break. Kopernick's narative was BS and he knew it. Lets protest something that just was not happening. All we heard was how cops were out to kill black people left and right but that was just not the case. Look up the national facts. The amount of blacks that were killed by cops was such a small number its shocking that it even has a statistic. I have did not see one football player take a knee for the black on black crime. Just look at the staggering number of black on black murders in chicago the last 3 years and nobody bats an eye. There was what 16-17 unarmed black men killed last year compared to the black on black murders of 2380 last year. The NFL talks about they are backing free speech yet they were going to fine players that wanted to honor 9-11 victims and Kap gets to wear socks where pigs were dressed like cops. Or How about the NBA banning donald Sterling for his comments that were in private. Or how about ESPN firing Kurt shilling for sharing a meme on facebook. They are all BS.


09/27/17 3:47 PM

#393346 RE: ksuave #393334

Actually, he sat, not knelt. He didn't start kneeling until others started joining in.


09/27/17 6:52 PM

#393399 RE: ksuave #393334

Maybe you should talk to some other work places, i.e. the new york times among several others about what they would do with an employee that walks in with a "make AMERICA great again" hat or shirt and tell me how long they get to retain their employment! Employers don't want all of this in the workplace bc it is bad for business plain and simple...imo they have every right to kneel like a bunch of ungrateful, disrespectful @sshats as long as their contract or NFL rulebook states they are able to do so (which it doesn't and clearly states they are to stand quietly when the anthem is played). Just the same as it is my right to change the channel and no longer support them. What the NFL will soon realize is how bad for business this actually is and then you will see why MOST employers don't allow political protests at their businesses. On top of that, do you not see the hypocricy and misguided protest of a flag that gives you that right? talk about crapping in your own far as calling anyone that disagree's with your opinion "unAmerican phony patriots", there are several people on this board that have served this country honorably to protect these rights GIVEN to you under this flag, so that attack is misguided as well. Funny how people hide behind the free speech guise when it's convenient and fits their agenda, but can't give due respect for those that provided it. that's my quarter