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09/26/17 10:50 AM

#41880 RE: CGB007 #41879


09/26/17 11:14 AM

#41881 RE: CGB007 #41879

"Then, assuming positive news on QSEP, it will be onward and upward! "

The only positive news is that Qsep will get authorization to add millions of shares and a new preferred class which will only serve to decimate early investors who invested in the open market. Preferred shares almost always pay a dividend but apparently that not needed in Qsep!!

No news here is not good news. Wishful thinking has no effect on the rheological properties of heavy crude.


09/27/17 7:43 PM

#41934 RE: CGB007 #41879

So voting time is upon us...

CGB007- as a high volume holder for many years actually (with some painful memories of almost $2 and not being able to sell in early 2013) - I am intrigued you recently weighed in at that level of volume...

Could you share what it was that inspired you?

And would you say your opinion for voting YES or NO in this share proposal...



It always feels better when you are over the breakeven line on your investment and you breathe into possibility of success rather than failure... Lets hope this is it. As we all know, the only issue is if the technology actually isn't really up to it, viable in some way, but also, and the long term issue is if the management can deliver... but for now, a contract would be super uplifting all round.

Pluto went stationary direct today, for those of you that understand the astrological significance. Momentum is forward, and all will be revealed soon.