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Simple Steve

09/26/17 9:23 AM

#35851 RE: fbg0316 #35844

As long as we're talking theories, and offering up pure speculation about illegal under the table dealings, let me offer up my theory which doesn't involve illegal activities. The reason for the ADXS flash crash was because everyone knew that day that ADXS was announcing trial results. This part isn't speculation. Everyone knew. And many were listening to the webcast. And some investors and many traders were savvy enough to have placed stop loss orders. Though many were optimistic, they knew it smart to protect themselves. So when the news first broke, the stock gyrated as stocks often do at first. Only problem was it gyrated too much (probably because there were so many uninformed day-traders trying to get a piece of the action and they had no idea if the 38% was good or not. Many of them just buy and sell based upon trends) and when the sp hit a certain level it hit those stop loss orders which sent it down. Then it hit more stop loss and went down further. Then an electronic panic of sorts occurred and it dropped to around $14 at which point many saw the buying opportunity and bought. That's the way I see it. Plus this theory doesn't require any illegal or questionable behavior and doesn't put Dan as an accomplice to illegal activity. And, btw, the FTC does investigate suspicious activity and I never heard anything about them investigating this event.


09/26/17 9:25 AM

#35852 RE: fbg0316 #35844

It was Dan from the beginning,and now he`s total history. He`s a spite full person, who get`s his way on what he wants to take for himself,or else. Shorts know the new direction is licensing,and possible sale of certain Applications now,so they`re covering before it happens.