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09/23/17 10:23 AM

#124037 RE: WarMachine #124034

Or...looks like cow manure, smell like cow manure....

Walks Like A Duck talks like a duck must be a duck


09/23/17 10:54 AM

#124040 RE: WarMachine #124034

Wrong WarMachine....

The company has gone to great lengths to show they gave absolutely nothing in common with the old company or its management.

As for the PR company.....

They have nothing to do with running the company. Considering they'll been involved with the public company for several years it was probably a smart move considering they already have a relationship and open dialogue with the majority of shareholders, who I'm sure have had a ton of questions.


09/23/17 7:36 PM

#124066 RE: WarMachine #124034

Unbelievable that the same Investor Relations Guy....Juggling Joe Vasquez is still in the picture....That right there tells me this Stinks to the High Heavens...I mean if you are gonna start fresh....Why on Earth would you Retain the Guy that has been known to fill the Board with Bull!!! BTW isn't it borderline criminal that the IR guy posts on this board and influences the stock price ??? JKIR