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09/23/17 9:39 AM

#312575 RE: geocappy1 #312573

I agree completely with your assessment of Ronan. I wish we had a third option.


09/23/17 10:43 AM

#312579 RE: geocappy1 #312573

I think it is important to distinguish what is being defended and my goal and naturally, any longtime shareholders goal...would be get a deal done but one that gives matching shares of any company looking for PS Targeting in humans plants animals

The argument becomes the current team has not done so yet...but at the same time they TRIED, via saving phase II...etc etc etc and got us to phase III ....picked up early KOL leaders...etc etc etc ....even pulling off some great moves to get PS Targeting into MSK NCC etc and whatever other nondisclosed collaborations that have existed and exists

So one side says they try and never sold us out for breadcrumbs and one side says they never made a deal or great deal....but TRY they did and to pull off a great deal getting into MSK etc may still be their leverage

The question I have is why is CJ ES DP just allow for the attack calling them to resign and no response ? Has one or all of them been on the same page as Steve King ?

I simply can't believe they all were just pulling strings to delay and not make a deal because of all the things that were accomplished.

The next weeks will reveal more ...but as I said before, with all the HUGE initiatives for some entity or group etc to pull off Fargo type sabotage events.....there is more that does not make sense especially seeing ties to Oxford Xencor and John Stafford..etc

.....we must truly ask that the depth that some go, is blackmail or threats out of the question ?

I think not, especially with no explanation of the death of Dr Phil Thorpe and now, very strange that a new collaborator Epiontis has Ivana Turbachova show up in a recent patent that says deceased and again, no explanation can be found

I always say every rock must be turned over....and maybe all paths do not lead to answers but when many keep moving forward

When did the Epiontis collaboration begin? Maybe around this time 2015 with Thomas O. Kleen...Bernard Fox...Raphael Clynes at BMS at this time and Biomarkers Task Force is key (remember in June 2017 Raphael went to Xencor and Stafford knew!)

Raphael from BMS to Xencor

Ivana Turbachova- now deceased

....just like all the Big Pharmas and possible deal making.....Peregrine can talk to many of them, collaborate with dozens....but all it takes is ONE


09/23/17 1:29 PM

#312586 RE: geocappy1 #312573

Really, everybody complains about the one or two posters who constantly defend the current BOD. It is amazing how critical some are about voting for Ronin if you have reservations about it.

Geo, I do understand your reservations in this issue.

You see PPHM (rightly or not) as a potential home run. And Ronin looks like a singles hitter. Alas CJ and friends do nothing but strike out. I do understand your issue.

OTOH, others in the anti-Ronin camp assert negatives about them that simply are absurd. Perhaps SW should have to assert when he stopped beating his wife. Whatever.

That makes things get a bit "us vs them". Hard to be somewhat neutral w/o being slammed in that environment.

Hell, just like politics here in the US nowadays :-)