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09/22/17 4:10 PM

#244345 RE: pos_stock_hoarder #244338

Yeah I heard about this interview.

"There's nothing that I am going to say to him that is going to change him, and I don't want to give him a platform, because it just validates him," DeGeneres said."

Why does she think she should change the Leader of the Free World or even have the power to do so?
Her show will not validate him. WTF? Who does she really thinks she is that she can or can not validate him? The Leader of the Free World

I remember when the Hollywood elites shunned her because she was gay. She was so hurt, "everybody should be accepted for who they are". But no, not now, she's the Queen of the gays and the libs love her. So she fells she is authorized to pass judgement now. People say she's so generous, BS, her sponsors spend the money, she don't give up $hit!

People like her and Jimmy need to stick to the jokes and bring on guest to promote their movies and STF up about politics. A cheap shot when they have a microphone, but they don't allow any feed back. "Don't build walls" but everyone of them live in gated communities and have bodyguards. What about John Q. Public and his family? And they get call deplorable because they want to be safe. I've been to Hollywood, Brentwood and alike and you can't see the houses for all the gates, walls and tree lines (thicker than walls). Why are they hiding, why are they being protected? They tell us we, the common man, don't need any walls. Freakin' hypocrites.

Sorry, I'll climb off my soap box now, this is one subject that really gets under my skin.