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09/21/17 12:51 PM

#81928 RE: Garpeters #81924

aren't you the cynic. I live in Mexico and yes, a consultant friend has worked for Mr. Slim for years. :-)


09/21/17 12:54 PM

#81931 RE: Garpeters #81924

It was an argument about the potential market. Some saying there was no opportunity, which got squashed by probably the foremost authority on the market as a whole. Relevant.


09/21/17 2:34 PM

#81971 RE: Garpeters #81924

On 5-26-2012 Rudy Eugene, The Miami Zombie, pulled off the pants of Ronald Poppo and began to eat Poppos' face and eyes for 18 minutes before being shot and killed by a Miami police officer. Rudy Eugene will never have anything at all to do with Vivalivetv. Poppo, though completely blinded and probably not a Vivalive customer, was saved from complete consumption and hopefully will still enjoy Viva one of these days as medical technology increases. $OTTV