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09/21/17 11:15 AM

#5534 RE: asdfu099 #5533

So those who bought at 3 earlier in week should not of bought and made 70% profit?

Thanks for the warning. Sounds like you are still bitter about a mistake YOU made. YOU are the one who decided to get into whatever situation you find yourself in.

Best of luck sir , I feel badly for you. You must have invested money you could not afford to lose...big no no on the OTC


09/21/17 12:09 PM

#5541 RE: asdfu099 #5533

asdfu099 ??? where how did you buy these shares you bought that did not get bought thru a broker?

when I hit buy the share show up in my account! where did your shares show it?



09/21/17 1:52 PM

#5543 RE: asdfu099 #5533

$GMNI Thats it. You've convinced me to sell ;^)

I am not gonna sell FOR YOU.. Get it?