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09/20/17 6:21 PM

#197672 RE: BIzzy #197654

Sorry to hear about your friend and I agree with your statement. I hope that Mako and company get the karma they so richly deserve.

"Ghouls profited from the short attack. My friend and countless others may pay a heavy price for this despicable behavior.

The company has sought a judicial solution for this activity and defended itself well. Yet the damage remains and folks continue to use this genre of manipulation as a trading tool.

It is some deeply sick and twisted sh!t." - Bizzy


09/20/17 6:25 PM

#197674 RE: BIzzy #197654

I agree. I also believe ipix managerial incompetence is to blame for K not yet being available to those that most need it.


09/20/17 6:55 PM

#197680 RE: BIzzy #197654

Fully agree and that is why I'm always amazed when people seem to gloat over every drop in share price. It's as if they never think about the drugs that have potential to help patients getting delayed.

If one uses the business plan of short and distort to make dollars, they should at least choose an industry where patients lives aren't toyed with.

Discussing legitimate issues is quite different from making up nonsense and distorting truth.

In Reply to 'BIzzy'
I found out last week that a dear friend had received disappointing news about the progression of her pancreatic cancer...she and her husband are medical professionals who have served the community and saved thousands of lives in their cardiology practice here in southern California.

They had hoped, in the court of last resort, to access Kevetrin through compassionate use. IPIX is not in the position to offer that access because they are simply not far enough down the road with the oral formulation.

In my opinion, that circumstance is a direct result of the organized short attacks against CTIX which has caused a diminution of share price and severely limited the advancement of certain clinical trials.

Human beings suffer because of this greed.

Human beings die because of this greed.

Ghouls profited from the short attack. My friend and countless others may pay a heavy price for this despicable behavior.

The company has sought a judicial solution for this activity and defended itself well. Yet the damage remains and folks continue to use this genre of manipulation as a trading tool.

It is some deeply sick and twisted sh!t.


09/21/17 8:44 AM

#197731 RE: BIzzy #197654

It is some deeply sick and twisted sh!t.

yes it is.