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09/20/17 10:08 PM

#17694 RE: The Rainmaker #17692

Someone-sold-8's-into-Bid@8-to-load-6's-killing-it-for-longs-who've=held-=patiently so I HOPE he loses out and no one sells to him/her,

there is little left on the Ask @8 (after several Milly 8's were snapped up and only 3-4M Ask @9's) so that is the real direction here, it's TIME for this to move back up even if it were nothing but LOW LOW FLOAT Play alone,

but I sense you're right, they're quiet b/c they have to wait for the right time and manner to release what they've been working on.

A consultant isn't a Director or OFficer empowered to do that anyway.

SOMETHING'S UP that is clear from the sudden volume and price activity...