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09/20/17 8:08 AM

#34896 RE: fraud fighter #34891

He says the only reason for the stock price deterioration is pure manipulation. That is extremely simplistic and fails to acknowledges the setbacks the company has had that have contributed to the drop (missed deadlines, poor execution, misaligned former CEO with investor interests, vague unfocused strategy, etc.). He used to say O'Connor was doing a great job and was fully supported by our institutional investors. Now since O'Connor was let go, he's changed his tune to that O'Connor was doing a good job on everything except he didn't secure any large monetary deals on advanced constructs to address the cash issue. That's like saying the Titanic was structurally sound and unsinkable if it hadn't hit an iceberg of the magnitude it collided with.


09/20/17 9:18 AM

#34902 RE: fraud fighter #34891

Yes, I do believe, fraudfighter, that by far the major cause of the pps is the HFT manipulation. I've never seen such an egregious and collusive effort before. Multiples hedgies and mm's controlling the trading by working together. This not only directly effects the share price from the trading, it affects it by influencing sentiment. Example: the longs here know full well that the stock is woefully underpriced, yet how many are buying? A few. Why? Because they have been "trained" to think that the crooks will manipulate down no matter what. This also affects tutes' trading, to a lesser extent but for the same reason. As for issues with ADXS itself, the ONLY issue, in my mind, is what they are going to do to raise money. That is the key to to the whole puzzle. Shorts are praying for dilution. The possibility of dilution also makes some tutes reluctant to buy right now, exacerbating the manipulation. If Lombardo does a good deal with upfront cash to get us through the EMA, the entire equation changes. Otherwise, there is no problem with ADXS's current strategic position that I can see. The other issues people raise are immaterial. The science is sound, trials are progressing, and the EMA is coming. All good.