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09/16/17 6:44 AM

#70087 RE: Echo115 #70085


Yup, that GAs price was about 20% CHEAPER than what it was a few years ago!! This is what I meant by another UK Rip-off (Re Labrodorite's comment about UK/US!

I have a couple of Bob's e-mail's here. Make of it what you will. The first one is from April 2016. It just goes to show how slow they are in getting things done...if at all:


The company management team that remained has made monthly progress on items that we are putting as critical for the company to move forward.

Those items are being totally funded by personal contributions from management.

As per your email, yes management has invested thousands of dollars of the since 2014. (Yeah, but where?)

Currently, I am in Lovelock working on those items and more, hence my delay in responding to your email.

It has been indispensable that management continued to monthly fund the “Restructuring Operation” and the core operations.

As for length of time of the “Restructuring Operation” that will be determined if and when an outside investor/and/or a joint venture agreement is concluded.

Otherwise, the monthly management contributions which is a slow but steady procedure is the only existing alternative.

An example is our yearly renewal of our business license with the State of Nevada was just renew for 2016-17, cost approximately $1500.

We are working closely with NDEP on our current permit requirements for keeping the Fencemaker Mine in a “stand by status” Operation as well.

This does include regular reports and testing.

The company is also updating our Water Pollution Control Permit with the State of Nevada.

Furthermore, the company has many other monthly requirements that are also being funded.

The company recognize SEC filings are needed, conversely this will require considerable funds to fully complete and will be addressed as quickly as possible. (This implies they are strapped for cash)

Thank you for your email and if you would like to speak to please let me know.

Best Regards,


Bob Reynolds

FLPC - VP Administration


09/16/17 7:02 AM

#70088 RE: Echo115 #70085

ECHO (and all)

This is the full reply from Bob back in September 2016, so you can see I wasn't making it up.

Good day XXXXX

Thank you for your email and your analyses on the “Restructuring Operation”.

The company was about to go insolvency in January of 2015, however CEO Nicholson and VP Reynolds decided to further invest additional funds in to the venture.

They still are investing into the venture on a monthly and project basis.( Cash injections MUST show up on the Filings!!)

The projected outline of the “Restructuring Operation” was put into phases that required several important matters to be resolved before the next phase could begin.

Currently, the company has completed two important phases, the first was the legitimate buyout of Stock Pile Reserves LLC and their many shareholders. (Wonder how much he paid. This MUST appear on the next Filings...note it. We know this is a fact.)

This was done to give FLPC complete control over the Fencemaker mine operation.

This involved numerous months of negotiations and legal reviews to complete.

Once that was accomplished, the next phase was getting all permitting operations of the mine, stored ore and other business requirements up to date and transferred to FLPC.

This also included the land claims around the mine site.

As result of step one, the company also absorbed several compliance violations left by the SRL management team that needed to be addressed and resolved so FLPC could move forward onto the next action.

The next plan of action expectation is locating and negotiating a tolling mill agreement to process the current stored antimony ore which needs to be concentrated at 40% or higher level.

Once this expectation has been completed, all the stored ore will have been processed and ready for sale. (Really, that's a year ago! Just shows how much waffle they give!)

This phase addresses the incomplete processing operation that SRL, the company originally providing all the management of Fencemaker Mine, failed to achieve.

Upon completion of this matter, the company expectation would be to fully address the financial filings and debt load. (NOTE. Debt load)

Expectations here are with a proven operation; this would be a better time to finalize the numerous conversations that have occurred in the area over the past year.

xxxxx if you would like to speak to a VP Reynolds to further answer your questions, please feel free to call the company phone on Monday.

If your call is not answered, please leave a contact number, and the company will return your call.

Best Regards,


It's nearly all 'talk' to make it appear good at the time.
Any REAL progress would have been offered to shareholder'as as 'good news' via a Public Notice. If that had happened, the SP would have continues to rise on news....not go down to next to nothing. The Markets are wise to these guys!! Cue 1KGW lol. Now, watch the Hype based on this old news!