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09/15/17 10:30 PM

#197108 RE: Scottwny #197107


2nd your comment, enough is enough. Trust is expensive and hard to earn and shareholders demand clarification on this issue.

No more sugar coating, pushing milestones another 6 months and chasing next conference in 2018!!!


09/15/17 10:33 PM

#197110 RE: Scottwny #197107

I agree and still expect the company to comment on it since they have stated it multiple times now. Especially, after that shareholder email which gives impression the interim is cancelled without clearly stating it.

That slide makes it pretty clear the interim isn't coming. I now expect next Prurisol data at trial end.

The way the Brilacidin trial has moved lately we may get it's completed topline before the Prurisol topline is out.


09/15/17 10:52 PM

#197113 RE: Scottwny #197107

Thank you Scottwny. This is a micro cap that desperately rely's on shareholder support to cover expenses and at this level especially can't have a hint of funny business. B is the real deal though.


09/15/17 11:15 PM

#197120 RE: Scottwny #197107

Agree, the shareholders are owed an explanation for no interim data. Leo knows the answer so what is he protecting? The stock has been a disgrace for 2 plus years. Also, a bigger slap is releasing fluff press releases about trial locations for 10 patients? Cmon Leo, desperation is surely setting in with no partnerships in sight. Hence the Aspire deal which is another slap to those believing current financing would be enough. And there were plenty of believers about not needing further toxic stock sales past mid 2018. Same old CTIX with a name change.