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Delta Tango1

09/15/17 11:39 AM

#606 RE: Pilot Dave #605

I'm there with you. I was involved with stock called Netzero. Same story. I went down to less than 10 cents. I finally sold out. Eventually AOL bought them out and the stock went above $20.00. Don't know what will happen here. All technical indicators show it going down.

I think the technology will have to come to fruition to get close to previous levels.


09/15/17 11:46 AM

#607 RE: Pilot Dave #605

As stated previously, stock is being driven down by investor sentiment. Nothing has changed the past couple of weeks, no other way to explain the drastic drop in prices. Investors are getting tired of waiting and bailing on the stock.
There isn't anything ABWN can do at this time without the software and hardware that is necessary for the 20 plane test. From what I have read ABWN has been clear on this. They need funds to complete the test but development of the software and hardware is currently going forward.
Going to need to hold on until the 1st quarter of next year before we see any real progress with ABWN.


09/15/17 12:02 PM

#608 RE: Pilot Dave #605

Sorry to say, put a fork in it, its done.. Glad I took profits. Any time any penny stock moves more than 50% sell. Greed in pennies will break one.


09/15/17 12:25 PM

#609 RE: Pilot Dave #605

Oh, I got ya Pilot Dave. I recently was burned by another Penny and I can't argue with you that the drip, drip, drip is scary. I only have $6K invested,so less than you but keeping my fingers crossed that ABWN turns into something real. If not, lessons learned - maybe this time :-)


09/15/17 12:43 PM

#611 RE: Pilot Dave #605

Maybe if ABWN shouldn't have spent so much so soon on TV spots to promote, it might have the cash now to proceed. I think its a scam.


09/18/17 12:17 PM

#629 RE: Pilot Dave #605

ouch! I loss 30,000 before, never again.