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09/14/17 5:53 PM

#4984 RE: ResearchDD #4983

You know the funny part is that the price per share is not at .0001 yet, people for some reason are holding on to this stock for no good reason. This company is bankrupt. It doesn't exist anymore


09/14/17 6:49 PM

#4987 RE: ResearchDD #4983

Tell us how you really feel because you lost you #$$ in this company... I'm playing with profit and still believe in the application..this company was listed on the NASDAQ at one time so your scam theory is BS...they have patents worth something.. manipulation does occur here both bullish and movement is good news in my book.. I've held shares over a year now and rarely post on here...I just don't understand why you post on here with your nonsense when you don't have skin in the game..