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09/14/17 10:07 AM

#428214 RE: Donotunderstand #428199

Donotunderstand: Go back from the DEM start of Fannie Mae

DEMS have been the ones in congress in favor and REPS have tried to kill this middle class backbone invented and created by FDR

it is fact for 70 years

(and I can gladly give the blame to DEMS for many of the scandals at F and F as well )

If that's true - why did President George H.W. Bush sign the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992? That greatly expanded the role of the GSE's.

The fact that SOME Republicans have wanted to kill it doesn't mean "THE REPUBLICANS" have wanted to kill it. There are SOME Democrats that want to nationalize the GSE's (like Obama). That doesn't mean "THE DEMOCRATS" want to nationalize them - it means some members of the party want to.


09/14/17 10:22 AM

#428232 RE: Donotunderstand #428199

Politics is a nightmare for the tax payers and only benefits the politicians. Both parties are raping the american tax payers for their own benefit and trying to put little bread crumbs to placate the people and saying oh look I did this for you re-elect me...

It was good to see representatives actually vocally putting forward support. GoP party letter today sweet!!

Bush administration put them into this mess... Obama's administration took advantage of the opportunity. Technically this started back in the 90s with Clinton..

Again I am not pro either party.. I'm looking at the growing positive information/news/support for us as shareholders coming out.

So DEM your REPS