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09/14/17 9:48 AM

#39380 RE: Wolfe64 #39376

The devices are really cheap. Most people at least own a google cardboard ($10). And that's saying the VR rumor is for the mobile phone which does not generate very much money. The big boys work with the oculus rift (around $800). Even then, the industry is dominated by the giants. If you research the amount of indie companies that survive, there are very very few that produce enough revenue to stay afloat for more than a single hit. If they do produce something of quality, they get bought out to work on side projects for EA or others like them.

It's not an industry you jump into and are successful in. Literally the cost to making the majority of these successful titles ranges up to a billion dollars. Nobody can compete because nobody can match the budgets. And that's just regular games. VR is even worse.

GDSI doesn't not have the money or the skill to make it in this market. Their only option is to outsource, but anybody worth a damn is already under a much more appealing paycheck than GDSI can hope to offer