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09/14/17 1:52 AM

#33839 RE: fraud fighter #33838

Ye of little faith. Smoke and mirrors is what your seeing here. The real asset here is our science. If you think Adage or some other hedge fund bailed you have to be crazy! This is all planned . Nothing more than a well orchestrated take down! Trust me it won't stay down too much longer that's my gut feeling. All is not what it seems. We're very close to some noteworthy news that moves us N . If you don't believe it what are you going to do? Sell? No your to far out of the money. We are so undervalued at this point the shorts are hoping a lot of folks will get so frustrated that they bail on there investment here! My guess most here are very longtime holders and aren't interested in selling for a huge loss and will wait for Amgen and NEO! We have too many outs with our platform to "Worry" about this blatant manipulation by shorts. Another words most are so backasswards that are long will gut it out to the very end. That's where the shorts haven't thought it through. We have lost way too much not to shut off the computer and come back in a year and see if Lombardo has added more value to our share price.