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09/13/17 5:00 PM

#78999 RE: Gotham Bay Group #78996

Very true.
Thanks gbg

Thor Von Thorson

09/13/17 5:01 PM

#79000 RE: Gotham Bay Group #78996

LMFAO!!! I just had some tool try to tell me on twitter that $OTTV isn't a start-up because:

"A startup company would never be publicly traded for .0004"

Some people are just beyond me I swear!


09/13/17 5:14 PM

#79004 RE: Gotham Bay Group #78996

LOL, some of the points you made are beyond ridiculous....

Point 1:

The sector is hot and not crowded by any means, especially regarding OTT.

If you really believe this, then well I just hope for your sake that you don't have a lot of money invested in this because you are way wrong. This is an EXTREMELY COMPETITIVE sector. I should've stopped reading after this line, but only continued for the lolzzzz

Point 2:

Facts are that in a very short time, for a startup, Viva has done a lot with the available resources. Product, marketing and sales are in place.

People on here are saying that this has been JF's baby for what..8 years? Product doesn't differentiate, marketing is non-existant and sales are beyond funny/sad. This is not anything like a start's a fraud wannabe company with a garbage product and leadership team that has no idea what they're doing.

Point 3:

What we are seeing right now is everyone else scrambling for a position before takeoff

Uhhh..yeah, sure, keep believing that lol. This is the go-to comment pumpers use when they got nothing.

Point 4:

I think it is highly discounted that Johnny and friends are regularly in the company of people who need to spend money and could at any moment write a check

These are people that "NEED" to spend money? Might as well dump that money down the toilet if that's the case. Johnny's connections are nowhere near the connections real companies with deep pockets have.

So, yeah that is the sector you're investing in.


09/13/17 6:29 PM

#79028 RE: Gotham Bay Group #78996

I agree wholeheartedly. Viva is in a hot and EXTREMELY competitive sector that is not crowded at all. Having several competitors right now is a key to success. Investing in OTTV now is akin to a poker player going into a busy poker room and sitting at the table with fish Hulu and fish Sling. To anyone that is adamant to not invest in this stock all that I ask is that you be real with yourself by asking: 1. What do I realistically believe this stock will bottom out at? 2. What do I realistically believe this stock will top out at in half a year? 1 year? 2 years? Do not change the wording of the questions. Remember that the game is risk vs. reward. Be objective and do your own DD. Listen to all that you do not and do agree with (block nobody, lol). Be empowered with your DD always.

N.N. Pennypacker

09/14/17 12:57 AM

#79127 RE: Gotham Bay Group #78996