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09/13/17 4:03 PM

#427976 RE: navycmdr #427959

Yeah, where is the realist?


09/13/17 4:03 PM

#427978 RE: navycmdr #427959

Great, back at where pps was 2 weeks ago. Don't forget down from FEB 17 pps above $4 pps.

Too early to celebrate.


09/14/17 12:11 AM

#428096 RE: navycmdr #427959

I wouldn't say totally unwarranted we have dem's asking to suspend NWS practically unheard of previously. More organizations covering FnF in more positive light. Maybe there isn't significant change this week. There is more people coming out in office and outside organizations putting together good plans/spin supporting positive turn for FnF and more of them are getting to be more pro-shareholder than we have seen in a long time.

Yes nothing solid yet.. It's all rhetoric until someone puts something in writing and commits.

Sweeney is a long way from uncovering all the truth, but there are improvements building in court.

Hope is all most people need to strive for change, build a dream. I have seen companies built and succeed on less :)