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09/20/06 8:39 PM

#26412 RE: joro44 #26411


I like listening to myself? This is my third post EVER. You post everyday.

If you want to blame someone you should blame chiphldr and his ilk. From what I can remember when the Ken and crew were heading to Cannes it was guys like chiphldr and other pumpers who were making it sound as if the movie was going to sell any moment for $20 million. When people contacted IPRE management about this they were actually managing expectations. They were saying that it was only the trailer and that they were just negotiating and it takes a long time to sell a movie. The pumpers are the reason that most of today’s bag holders bought in NOT because of James or Ken. We know now that those same pumpers where selling the same time they were pumping.

It seems to me from the positive feedback my post got that people appreciate my clear thinking.

And I am not going to be silent anymore than you are. From your own words the two reasons you are sticking around is 1) to try and get out even and 2) to get revenge with James. OK, lets examine the logic of that.

1) From what I remember you bought somewhere between 0.020 and 0.040. Since in about 90% of the cases a reverse split leads to the stock being cut in half. That means 0.005 or lower based on today’s price. The FIRST film festival they will hit with SIIR is NEXT YEAR. And that’s IF it gets in and IF it sells. So what do you think your chances are of getting even? If they start dilution you can kiss the rest of your money goodbye faster than you can say Jeff Gordon… The stock went from 0.17 to today’s price after massive dilution.. what do you think the price is going to be after they start the printing press again? Your best chance to get out was when they put off the RS and you blew that opportunity even though everyone was telling you to sell.

2) In terms of getting back at James. There are roughly 6 billion people in this world, millions I am sure worse than him. Their angels give them MILLIONS for their movies in exchange for large blocks of stock that will sooner or later come into the pipeline further diluting the stock. James and Ken could care less about the daily stock price because they can reverse split as many times as they want. They control the company totally. Every time the price drops they can just vote to reverse split again. Ken owns BILLIONS of shares. They can reverse split as much as they want and change the outstanding and authorized shares as often as they want. Not because they are scam artists but because Ken is a securities attorney who knows how to structure things. Starting April they can also start dumping millions of shares into the market for money if they want. You trying to get back at them is a loser’s game, because they control the game. You are totally insignificant to them. All they care about is their millionaire angels who are funding their movies. They are smart enough to stay out of trouble. If anything us small investors are just an annoyance to them. They could care less what our stock price is. They can simply dilute to get it up further again. All totally legally. Like it or not they control the game. So the only thing your bitching does is make the stock price lower for the other bagholders. If your bitching lowers the price I bet james and Ken could care less. They can just RS to get it up.

In Conclusion: You can either remain in denial and lose more money or realize that you got butt raped by James, Ken and Chiphldr. You can ignore me all you want. Everything I stated is FACT not SPIN and even if you want to be in denial about it everyone knows its true. If anyone disagrees with you then you claim its James. Yeah right. If my statements are spin please list the facts that I am wrong about. I don’t care if I change your mind, you will either sell at a loss or watch your money drop to an even bigger loss. They have you by the short and curlies. Since everything they do is legal.. it may not be “moral” as you say, so what are you going to do about it? You cant do anything which is why your actions are idiotic. James and Ken are proceeding with their projects and doing their myspace sluts or whatever they are doing. You are not going to change the world or them. I am not going to change you but at least I can point out something different for a change then the same old BS that gets posted here.


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09/20/06 9:18 PM

#26415 RE: joro44 #26411

Dam him how dare he spin your spin!.....LOL