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06/27/01 7:17 AM

#2550 RE: smart_sassy #2548

Sassy-Re back at the msn.

>>so I am betting that it will rebound by then, right? (Please tell me I am right.)<<

By then it will probably have been up and down a few times. I'd pay real close attn. starting around 2010 when the first crop of boomers begin retiring and pulling money out. Alot could depend on China's roll and how fast they develop into a free market ecconomy.

>>Are you still managing the properties? Does that me you are a slum lord? <G><<

Nah. I'll leave that to the true capitalist. I have a friend in Ca. who owns a few rentals here in Phx. that I look after.

>>BTW, if something "pops" up, you are bound to raise a little cash <VEG> Won't have any money troubles, but Sheriff Joe may be after you !!!!<<

Lol. The statute of limitations has run out since I've worked in that industry.