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09/13/17 8:41 AM

#3793 RE: Stanin987 #3792

Go to the TVOG Bitumen Tanker Website.

Look at the pictures of the tankers.

One tanker says Sofia.

Now go to all of the shipping websites and run the name Sofia in their database.

The same photo from the Bitumen Tanker website is the same in the shipping websites.

Now run all the tankers on the Bitumen Tanker website and they all come back to one company that previously owned/chartered them.

Now read the SEC filings from that other company and get the call signs for the tankers.

Now run the call signs in the same shipping companies websites you just used and it comes back to the same photos.

Unless TVOG is just putting up random tanker photos I would say that I am correct based on my DD. IMO

Pretty simple really. TVOG September Rush!