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09/13/17 2:50 AM

#17745 RE: DiscoveryStock #17737

Off main topic but subject is elections industry related with
what is happening in NH... Been following, dealing around the reported abuse of voter registries.
I like this data miner who is involved.
"There's a high likelihood of voter fraud, based on what we've done so far with our analysis. There's likely a lot more to be found," said Ken Block, president of Simpatico Software Systems. His company studied voter data in 21 states and concluded "with high confidence" that there were more than 8,000 cases of people voting twice"
But that doesn't sit well for
"New Hampshire's longtime secretary of state, Democrat Bill Gardner, who happened to be the host of Tuesday's commission meeting."
Go figure how that meeting went when the overall NH elections viewed as "House Democratic Leader Steve Shurleff added: "Democrats are taking back red seats across the state by standing up for our values, offering a positive message, and being willing to work across the aisle.” - or work across state lines ?? Well that is just what data strongly suggests.
We also have "Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, Democrat , questioned Block's findings, saying he has found that most problems can be explained by human error." I suppose human error factor helped assist the 1bil saved in Texas or uncovering Medicare frauds he was involved doing. But then Maine did not want to see a study on Blockchain Voting And paper ballot solution ... right ? Interesting.
But before NH Ken helped in R.I.
"After Block turned his findings over over to state election officials, both the state Board of Elections and the secretary of state's office promised to investigate and purge the state's rolls of voters using bogus addresses." - they will purge the rolls but doesn't change the outcomes of previous elections where abuse was found..."promised to investigate" - compelling data Im sure ... what Dunlap and Gardner will want to avoid , right ?

Ken Block - wiki
"As a small business owner, Block has run several software companies which have worked with state governments to identify fraud and government waste in social service and welfareprograms. In 1995, Block was able to save the state of Texas over $1 billion by developing a new statewide debit card system. Shortly after the 2010 election, Block offered his company's help free of charge to find waste and fraud in Rhode Island's entitlement programs. He was subsequently involved in the state's Medicare waste and fraud report as well as assisting the Providence Police Department's fraud unit to better access state records in late 2012. Police investigators have claimed that the new computer software will help detect millions of dollars in fraud."