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09/11/17 4:30 PM

#32921 RE: James salmon #32918

James, Dan's strategy would have never created homerun "to shareholders" because of his reckless cash burn rate, lack of focused strategy and ongoing required dilution to kick the can down the road. The Board recognized as much, which is why Dan is no longer with us and there is a renewed "alignment" and "focus" and "fiscal restraint" at the company as emphasized in the press release. I for one feel much better now about the company's future and prospects for a return on investment to finally be realized under Lombardo. I hope he is made permanent CEO. I suspect he will if he lands a material deals that minimizes the need for more dilution.


09/11/17 4:31 PM

#32923 RE: James salmon #32918

For the record (to CAB033) I would not say I am "happy" DOC is gone.

But to James point, what DOC wanted to do was risky. DOCs strategy seemed reasonable if one was just looking at the impressive clinical results and potential of the company. But unfortunately I think the massive short position trumped DOCs agenda and forced the BODs hand to go in another direction. If ADXS was at $20 it wouldn't have been as big of an issue to fund the company with some further dilution. At $6 it was no longer acceptable.

This is a prime example of why I believe shorting in Biotech needs to be aggressively addressed by Congress.


09/11/17 4:32 PM

#32924 RE: James salmon #32918

Pretty good PR which answers quite a few questions. Reading through everything that the company has going on it is difficult to believe that the market cap is under 300 million $. Suspect we will see partnership(s) before long which should help share price.