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09/25/17 3:21 AM

#273003 RE: fuagf #272330

Commission urges Myanmar to end Rohingya restrictions

"Tutu condemns Aung San Suu Kyi's silence"

25 August 2017

Team led by Kofi Annan warns against using force and ignoring concerns of world's 'single biggest stateless' community.

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[IMAGE caption:] The nine-member commission was appointed by Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi [Getty]

Myanmar must scrap restrictions on movement and citizenship for its persecuted Muslim Rohingya minority if it wants to avoid
fuelling "extremism" and bring peace to Rakhine state, a commission led by former UN chief Kofi Annan said on Thursday.

Rights groups hailed the report as a milestone for the Rohingya Muslims because the government of Aung San Suu Kyi has previously vowed to abide by its findings.

The mistreatment of approximately 1.1 million Rohingya has emerged as Myanmar's most contentious human rights issue as it makes a transition from decades of military rule.

Annan was appointed by state counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi to head a year-long commission tasked with healing long-simmering divisions between the Rohingya Muslims and Buddhists in the western state, which is one of the poorest in the country.

"Unless current challenges are addressed promptly, further radicalisation within both communities is a real risk," the nine-member commission said in its final report, describing the Rohingya as "the single biggest stateless community in the world".

"If the legitimate grievances of local populations are ignored, they will become more vulnerable to recruitment by extremists," the report added.

Military response decried

Security deteriorated sharply in the state on the border with Bangladesh last October after nine policemen were killed by suspected Rohingya militia in attacks on border posts.

In response, the Myanmar military sent troops fanning out into Rohingya villages in an offensive beset by allegations of arson, killings and rape by the security forces, and which sent 87,000 Rohingya Muslims fleeing to Bangladesh.

The situation in the state deteriorated again this month when security forces began a new "clearance operation" with tension shifting to a township, Rathetaung, where Buddhist Rakhine and Rohingya communities live side-by-side.

"While Myanmar has every right to defend its own territory, a highly militarised response is unlikely to bring peace to the area," the report said.

The commission warned that if human rights were not respected and "the population remain politically and economically marginalised - northern Rakhine State may provide fertile ground for radicalisation, as local communities may become increasingly vulnerable to recruitment by extremists".

READ MORE: India plans to deport thousands of Rohingya refugees

The Rohingya are denied citizenship and classified as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, despite claiming roots in the region that go back centuries, with communities marginalised and occasionally subjected to communal violence.

Annan has visited Myanmar three times since his appointment, including two trips to Rakhine State. On Thursday, he presented his findings to Suu Kyi and army chief Min Aung Hlaing.

The United Nations said in a report in February security forces had instigated a campaign that "very likely" amounted to crimes against humanity and possibly ethnic cleansing.

That led to the establishment of a UN fact-finding mission a month later. But Myanmar's domestic investigation team criticised the UN report this month and rejected allegations of abuses.

Ethnic groups in Myanmar

'Apartheid-like restrictions'

Myanmar declined to grant visas to three experts appointed by the UN and instead the government said Myanmar would comply with recommendations by the Annan team.

But Annan's panel - which has a broad mandate to look into, among other things, long-term economic development, education and healthcare in the state - said it was "not mandated to investigate specific cases of alleged human rights violations".

Rights groups welcomed the report, saying its recommendations tallied with what they had long argued for.

"These apartheid-like restrictions drive communities apart rather than together, eroding security and heightening the risk of mass killing," said Matthew Smith, from Fortify Rights.

Phil Robertson, from Human Rights Watch, said Suu Kyi's government faced a "key test".

"Myanmar needs to throw its full weight behind these recommendations, and especially not blink in dealing with the harder stuff," he said.

Amnesty International's James Gomez, the director of Southeast Asia and the Pacific, said, "without concrete action by the authorities to address long-standing grievances and redress decades of violations, people in the region will continue to be trapped in a cycle of deprivation and abuse".

"They must urgently lift restrictions on movement, allow full access for humanitarian workers and media, and review and amend the country's discriminatory citizenship laws," he said.

[ .. YouTube of embedded video .. Al Jazeera World - The Rohingya: Silent Abuse .. ]

Mostly country/people links ..

Appointing the commission was a smart political move. If she can persuade the honcho in power to implement the commission's advice much of the criticism of her
could be seen to have been a tad shortsighted, even unfair. Though, also, it is suggested she has never shown much sympathy for the Rohingya. That is hard to hear.


10/04/17 12:09 AM

#273333 RE: fuagf #272330

Rohingya Muslims: Refugees with catastrophic injuries 'targeted' by military landmines as they fled

By South Asia correspondent James Bennett

Updated about 2 hours ago

Photo: Yousef Nabi was blinded and lost both legs and part of his hand to a landmine in Myanmar last month. (ABC News: James Bennett)

Related Story: Why are the Rohingya stateless?
While the military denies the charge, in one Bangladesh hospital lie numerous Rohingyas suffering blast injuries and gunshot wounds, which they say were inflicted as they fled.

Related Story: How the military still controls Myanmar, not Aung San Suu Kyi

Related Story: Violence as Myanmar protesters try to block aid shipment to Rohingya

Map: Bangladesh -,90,5z

The United Nations says Myanmar's treatment of Rohingya Muslims is ethnic cleansing. Among the most
serious allegations is the alleged laying of landmines on refugees' routes to Bangladesh.

While the military denies the charge, in one Bangladesh hospital lie numerous Rohingyas
suffering blast injuries and gunshot wounds, which they say were inflicted as they fled.

Rohingya refugee Yousef Nabi is a young man in agony.

Future war crime trials material. Important it's recorded and kept.

See also:

from stashed September 18, 2017

Rights group urges new Myanmar sanctions over Rohingya crisis

Squeeze Myanmar’s Military

Rohingya Militants Vow to Fight Myanmar Despite Disastrous Cost
.. here ..


10/07/17 3:23 AM

#273402 RE: fuagf #272330

Myanmar: Video shows bodies and burning villages as army 'continues campaign' against Rohingya Muslims

"Tutu condemns Aung San Suu Kyi's silence"

By South-East Asia correspondent Liam Cochrane

Updated about 2 hours ago

Video: Footage shows bodies and burning in Myanmar's 'ethnic cleansing' of Rohingya Muslims (ABC News)

Footage from inside Myanmar's alleged "ethnic cleansing" shows half-buried corpses, villages burning and desperate people fleeing through the mountains.

The videos also appeared to contradict claims from the country's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi that security forces ended their operations on September 5.

The bodies were reportedly found in Gu Dar Pyin village, in Buthidaung township — one of several sites where mass killings have allegedly occurred.