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09/08/17 7:20 PM

#272323 RE: PegnVA #272293

If Trump's reaching leads to positives for the Dems and for the nation that should be welcomed .. of course, we know him and he wouldn't be doing
it if he didn't feel it was good for him, we all know in his mind "he" is always first as, for one, manifest by his hotel hustle during the campaign .. ..
still the more he distances himself from the GOP agenda surely the better for those most in need .. no
real credit for him in anything positive he does, as always we know he is acting in his own self interest.

The GOP’s biggest budget lies: Take these down, and progressives will start to win

.. bits ..

Debt isn't a big problem and it's not caused by social spending — and Republicans aren't better economic managers


In mid-March, President Donald Trump’s “skinny budget” proposal drew widespread criticism for its short-sightedness, senseless cruelty and betrayal of his base.
It was bad for science, education, the environment and public health, and even for Norman Rockwell-style popular programs like Meals on Wheels.


That’s hardly the end of the budget fight, though. Both Trump and congressional Republicans are preparing to do it all over again, despite how unpopular the first go-round was, and despite how damaged they are politically by the widening Trump-Russia scandal. Which is why it makes sense to take a step back and look at some of the big-picture lies shared by all Republicans — and far too many Democrats as well. ..