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Replies to #32 on Legion M


09/20/17 5:04 PM

#33 RE: Handyman4545 #32

Handyman responses:

#1 What? Really? Good advice there.

#2 If the people leading the charge are not excited about the idea. There would be no way I would consider backing them.

#3 If you paid attention, you would be in the know, with the exception of what they can't disclose due to FCC rules, contracts and deals with partners to remain confidential. Never have I felt they were "Hiding" anything.

#4 What?

#5 I happen to be a Forum admin. And I can personally attest to the fact that the only things that get removed are items that are offensive to the general populace of the forum. Or by posting things not related to the legion.

#6 And no where were they promised.

#7 I was investor #870 so I respectfully disagree, and I would like to know where you get the right to claim what other investors think.

#8 I am literally a partial owner of the company regardless of how small a portion that is. Sorry, factually, you are wrong.
And my point was that even as a small investor. They have taken the time to personally consider my opinions. In most corporations your opinions would not even be heard unless you were holding a considerable percentage of the company.

If you are disappointed in your decision to invest. Then do us all a favor and post a request in the forum and we will find a way to take those shares off your hands.
I personally do not feel you are a good fit for the Legion because you just do not understand the value of it at all. And am tired of hearing your baseless criticism posted publicly.

I am really questioning whether you are a paid troll by a scared competitor.