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09/06/17 1:40 AM

#92956 RE: donnie broos #92954

Same here! Ill get rich of of this and buy a nice 1965 GTO in mint condition like my old man had when I was a kid. Also a nice VW bus in any running condition. Ha.


09/06/17 2:14 AM

#92958 RE: donnie broos #92954

NSA is a sore spot with me, I live within 10 mile of the new building in Utah where all that info is being stored. Don't get me wrong, I largely agree with you, I just believe it will at some point be come mandatory. Ben Franklins state could not apply anymore than it does now.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~ Ben Franlin

Gonna be a wild week, good night all. ~ $ONCI