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09/06/17 1:25 AM

#92953 RE: donnie broos #92948

What I can say is that the idea of driverless cars makes complete sense if you've ever driven the D.C. beltway or in LA on the freeway. But it needs to be unrecorded but that is precisely the point. They will use anything to try and take away your rights and bamboozle you into thinking its just a driverless car when in fact it is communism at its finest.

What ever happened to the monorail? If we cant drive ourselves anyway why would we want cars? Seems to me This whole driverless car fantasy is about companies making money when the monorail would be much better for the environment less crowding. No more blacktop needed.

But I will invest anyway because there is no stopping it. Greed always wins in America. Not practicality.