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09/06/17 12:44 AM

#92937 RE: donnie broos #92935

Driving is a privilege that can be taken away.......not a constitutional right.


09/06/17 1:00 AM

#92943 RE: donnie broos #92935

Unfortunately millennials and future generations have been bombarded with the idea that they have no real rights. (i.e. communist drug testing stealing your pee and saliva). They don't seem to care that someone is listening to all their conversations and recording them. They act like complete idiots with no clue how dangerous there attitudes are towards their rights. Its over unfortunately. They only care about being famous IMO.

What they don't realize is how important your privacy really is. Peole and Governments can steal all your art and music if you are a song writer before it hits the market, They can steal any and all business ideas or invention ideas from your conversations on your smart phone with friends or work acquaintances. They will now if you are in AA or what you movie you saw and even what books you read. The idea that if you are not doing anything wrong then why does it matter is ludacrist. There are thousands of reasons.

The idea that you only have privacy rights in your own home is also wrong. So that would mean a homeless American doesn't have the same God Given rights as a rich American. Wrong again. People need to wake up and get a clue.


09/06/17 1:08 AM

#92946 RE: donnie broos #92935

Personally I will never ever have Alexa or any robot any where near me since they will all be connected to some database that stores every function ever given to them. Now even irobots Roomba vacuum is a spy device inside your own home which maps out your furniture and floor plan and stores it in alexa. Any thing that has an iPhone app is pretty much a spy device at this point. There is nothing smart about a smart phone. It is a serious threat to our childrens health as well as a serious threat to our democracy. Nukes got nothing on the iPhone.


09/06/17 1:22 AM

#92951 RE: donnie broos #92935

I don't believe it would be as a form of precidence may have already been set with OnStar in GM vehicles which can also be remotely activated as well. I agree, it could be made mandatory. JMO