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09/05/17 11:28 PM

#11335 RE: Frizzo #11334

I'm all for a convergence of excellent tech in order to make a viable product for commercialization. I just find it odd that Hypersolar would issue a PR that seems like its a breakthrough from their court. Seems a bit misleading if they don't partner. So, I'm hoping that they will. It would be nice to see HYSR teaming up with others to create a commercial solution. Everyone's strengths combined.


09/06/17 8:02 AM

#11337 RE: Frizzo #11334

Didn't the US Army research lab in Aberdeen Maryland just achieve the same effect or better with a new catalyst?

Very fast low heat and efficient conversion of water to H2 and O. using an aluminum based alloy if I recall.

far easier to work with the US Army I would think.

The real winners will be the company that can design and build suitable "packaging" to be able to set up , operate, maintain, store H2 and "deliver" H2 for particular markets - A filling station will have different needs than a distribution center or a taxi fleet HQ. A home station would be different as well (for Mirai owners)