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09/05/17 5:15 PM

#78722 RE: JustMyLuck #78721

That's not the way I see it

Hence, why HEMP and the sec have filed summary judgement motions.
I've read all the filings dealing with this case det. I'm well aware of what is being mention in those filings and the meaning behind them.
Here's my take. at most a monetary fine and a pat on the back for the sec lawyers.
IMO, HEMP will not be delisted or forced into bankruptcy, as seems to be the popular rumor floating around.

That's not the way I see it at all, and I don't think I've said that HEMP will be delisted.

HEMP's request for judgement is a "Hail Mary" that tries to use the lack of specific info in the initial, 15-page filing as a reason for the judge to throw out the case. This could work, except for the fact that the SEC has a lot of experience with these types of cases, so they know what they have to file at each step of the process.

The SEC's request for a Partial Summary Judgement against Barry Epling and his companies shows that they believe that the evidence for Epling being a de facto affiliate of Hemp, Inc -- despite his not being named as such in official company filings -- is so strong that it cannot be contested. Therefore, they want the court to declare him and his companies, as affiliates, in violation of Section 5 of the Securities Act.

If the court were to do so, then Bruce's case would likely fall apart.

Depending on how this Partial Judgement turns out, Bruce might get to keep his position as HEMP's CEO, or he might lose it and his ability to sell shares.

As to a HEMP bankruptcy or delisting, I don't believe I've ever said that a loss of this case would delist HEMP, but in one of my earliest posts about it, written on June 21, 2016 (the day the SEC announced the action,) I did write that if the SEC was able to prove its case against Perlowin and HEMP, and the "Prayers for Relief" were granted:

Without Perlowin to hype it despite the lack of progress, HEMP will go "belly up".

That meant that without Perlowin (and Epling) to finance the company and sell unlimited shares into the market, HEMP would not be able to continue to operate. Bankruptcy might then become an option, though there would be the possibility of an acquisition (but any buy-out would show that the decorticator machinery is practically worthless).