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09/04/17 11:53 AM

#47581 RE: elbiatcho1 #47574

In the end, it seems to me that the change must be made and acted upon.

Auction study! Studying rich! Property real estate through court auction

This fall !! Study auctions like blue sky! Practical study of money! Challenge ^

He definitely is done with the American company products. Soon he will be dumping the old stock in the dumpsters. He hasn't sold any anyways, always giving it out as a training class prop for his students. Auction Teacher probably got a good price for old hjoe junk in the fire sale. I also believe all the talk of stores is something veal and adamson insert on his website.

And I just figured out what he's teaching, buying and flipping tax sale Duh. Tax auctions. lol. Some times the obvious slips by me.

The korean hangover joos auction teacher is most definitely a con artist because to be successful in tax auctions is not a instant get rich scheme.
It's hard and long term work.

I noticed that in your link, curekorea is using 5 year old hangover shot photo's which I believe hjoe in our country can not do any more since the licensing agreement was most likely yanked by hangover and larry the cable guy copyrights lawyers. Apparently Korea doesn't worry about American copyrights. And did you notice all the people in the left and photos are his students from the restaurant pictures? What shysters. But at lease the auction teacher isn't trying to sell stock. He's scamming the old fashion way. False advertising. More power to em.