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09/03/17 3:24 PM

#27502 RE: KrakenTaken #27501

MGTI is the best play on the stock market!

MGTI multiple revenue streams
1. Cyber Security
2. Privacy secure mobile phone
3. One of the largest Bitcoin Miners in the world.

MGTI Bulls will become hyper wealthy!
MGTI Bears and shorts will be broke!



09/05/17 7:41 AM

#27571 RE: KrakenTaken #27501

The cypher punks, tech geeks and crypto nerds are lining up and accumulating all they can of MGTI under $5.00 they have deep pockets and can move the stock in a blink of an eye.

We have an array of milestone updates coming for the three revenue streams

1. Largest Bitcoin miner in North America remember there facilities are set up with low energy systems to produce the highest out put of bitcoins with low energy bills.

2. Sentinel product release in the coming days.

3. Updates on the secure privacy mobile block chain phone. The first of its kind.

I see a double or triple here in price by the end of the month.

The North Korea issue will dominate. BItcoins will rise! My friend was at burning man and has his own start up and owns MGTI he talked to multiple people from Silicon Valley who are very bullish on MGTI. I wouldn't be surprised to see MGTI skyrocket today!



09/06/17 5:18 AM

#27663 RE: KrakenTaken #27501

MGT’s market cap is valued at only $115 million. What is this company really worth? By October MGT will be mining approximately 285 bitcoins per month at a rate of 855 bitcoins a quarter. Three years from now MGT will have a minimum of 12,000 bitcoins on the balance sheet. At current pricing of $4,700 per bitcoin the mining business is poised to generate a modest $56 million At $10k per bitcoin the balance sheet is projected to increases to $120 million and if McAfee’s prediction of $500,000 per bitcoin comes to fruition then the balance sheet will balloon to $6 billion. If investors in countries like Venezuela, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Russia, China, etc… continue the trend of losing faith in domestic currency, bitcoin has a real opportunity to thrive over the next three years. On the strength of this bitcoin mining business alone, it’s feasible MGT could soon surge past a $1 billion market cap, or $29/share. If McAfee’s wild prediction comes true, then you’re talking something in excess of $150/share. MGT is in the early stages of positioning for such an outcome

Bitcoin is not the only catalyst supporting the share price of MGT. Remember that John McAfee is the innovative visionary of cybersecurity in a world under constant threat to governments, corporations and individuals. His new product, Sentinel, is scheduled to be launched in September. Sentinel ‘monitors network traffic for suspicious activity using sophisticated algorithms and heuristics, generating an alert and deploying appropriate countermeasures when triggered. Sentinel mitigates risk by greatly reducing the time a hacker has to operate inside protected networks, upload malware, or steal data’. McAfee’s prior company produced antivirus software which sold to Intel for $7.6 billion in 2010. What if lightning strikes twice and McAfee has another hit on his hands? If Sentinel evolves into another $7.6 billion product then the share price of MGTI will catapult to $222 a share.

The third angle MGT’s business is McAfee’s plan for the ‘first truly private smartphone’ set to be released in February 2018. Through the use of physical switches that allow the user to disconnect battery, antenna, bluetooth, camera and the microphone McAfee believes it will be the ‘most hack-proof phone’ on the market. If the world of tech truly is headed towards blockchain smart contracts and digital currencies then smartphone security will become even more important in the future. It’s a long shot, but there’s a chance the MGT team could eventually come up with the first decentralized blockchain phone. This is the kind of innovation that could someday knock Apple’s iPhone from its pedestal. Anyone who uses bitcoin with digital wallets can attest to the necessity of smartphone privacy. McAfee’s timing might be right. If this privacy phone can gain any sort of market traction in 2018, 2019, or 2020 then the market cap of MGT will justify a valuation in the tens of billions. A $22 billion market cap would propel MGTI to $555 a share.