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09/02/17 1:20 AM

#51932 RE: ThebondoKid #51923

SEC: The price of DRYS has been screwing investors for years, and now that the price was finally going up they step in. Were were these useless SOB at the SEC months ago before longs lost a fortune here. I think there is fraud and corruption in the SEC itself. Any fines imposed should be paid back to Longs on record who have lost because of unethical reverse splits. The money that George or DRYS has to pay if any should never go to these overpaid worthless SOB at the SEC that have done nothing for investors here except be part of the SCAM by not acting earlier. Any SEC employee who worked on this and failed to act should lose their jobs and benefits and pension. George should have all his assets frozen, those that can be found because most are hidden away I am sure around the globe with other banks and criminals who fleece their shareholders out of their investments. Screwed By George, screwed by the worthless SEC not taking action and now that the price was rising screwed again by the SEC for taking action. We needed the SEC to protect us before we lost our money, not after the fact. Make George return the money to Longs here that have been reversed split to poverty. Worthless Gov'T agency, worthless CEO who screws his own shareholders out of their money so he and his criminal partners can make their profits daily while his investors lose everything time and time again. This is supposed to be a stock not an 3xETF that you cant hold overnight. The company and the SEC are both no good and can never be trusted to protect anyone, and the company can never be trusted to do right by any shareholder except to line their own pockets with treasure stolen from their own investors. The SEC did not act, now the stock had a chance in many years to go up and they act, you all no damn good.


09/02/17 9:54 AM

#51935 RE: ThebondoKid #51923

The common stock holders have been bludgeoned to death by management. It would seem to me the "stock" would have the least problems with the SEC and it would be "individuals" not the company that would have problems. Yes? No?

There is a real, discounted, huge, book value here. I can't believe, after all the...questionable, reverse splits, suspension of the stock, and more hurting of the shareholders, is about to happen