I don't believe that is true. I know quite a few companies that were used as pump and dumps and when they were done they simply released the startup back to the owners. Ray Barton scams in particular. And look at how many pinkie reinvent themselves with a different theme. In those cases the old companies are written off as if nothing ever happened and they never existed.
The history of this stock is pretty messy. I think it will be pretty hard for a novice like Bishop to clean it up.
I keep asking myself - what has stopped Bishop from changing the name of the company in Nevada? Does he know that it would be more difficult to extract himself if he changed the name?
That is absolutely 100% false. Bishop can strike a deal with the old company allowing them to take the ticker back. He walks away and becomes a private business again. Holders get nothing as they are still stuck in this worthless shell. Has happened before in this cesspool. And if he is smart he is already trying to strike a deal to exit this dirty shell.