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09/01/17 8:03 AM

#19641 RE: topdog52 #19640

OTC doesn't control who is an officer that is Delaware SOS business has zero to do with OTC.

Somebody here owns the preferred shares that allows them to appoint directors without any shareholder vote.

They have to then update Delaware on who the directors and officers are. There is a form for that you file with the Delaware SOS. Those people then go to OTC and open an account.

All the details and requirements for the OTC account are listed on the form.

I just provide accurate information so that investors can make determinations and not fall for the obvious fake BS that has occurred here?

The excuses here are unbelievable at best. OTC to busy, summer - after the 4th, new CEO blah, blah blah blah.

Other people can choose to believe me or you when they make investment decisions.

I post my DD with a link to the form. You post a friend told you?

Bottom line is this company was a p&d and at this point isn't even able to be that.

Let's just see if this new CEO ever shows up and does anything. I can help him with the OTC form and assuming they are listed as an officer at Delaware SOS, have paid a TA and know their actual birthdate and pay some fees I will be sure they get an account within 36 hours. It is not hard too do.